Cooking In Season: Making Brussels Bearable
One of my favourite seasonal jokes when I was younger was "What's the difference between brussels sprouts & bogies? (insert drum roll here) Children don't eat brussels". It had me in stitches, along with the joke about a duck having quack in its bottom - oh how easily entertained I was. Cutting to the chase, for this months seasonal post I'm dabbling in brussle sprouts, something I have never really added to the shopping list. However, being 35 cent for a big bag in Lidl it would have been rude of me not to.
1. Brussels Sprout & Mushroom Risotto
I actually ate this and went back for seconds. Recipe HERE
2. Brussels Sprouts & Bacon Pasta
Bacon stripppss. Recipe HERE
3. Brussels Sprouts, Mushroom & Bacon Hearty Winter Pie
Christmas in a pie? Recipe HERE
I actually ate this and went back for seconds. Recipe HERE
2. Brussels Sprouts & Bacon Pasta
Bacon stripppss. Recipe HERE
3. Brussels Sprouts, Mushroom & Bacon Hearty Winter Pie
Christmas in a pie? Recipe HERE
Until next time,